La Traviata
By Giuseppe Verdi
La Traviata is Verdi’s most romantic work and the third most frequently performed opera in the world. This heart‐wrenching story follows a young Parisian courtesan as she falls into a love that she is eventually forced torenounce, thanks to her lover’s disapproving father. Vocal fireworks will be supplied by soprano Colleen Daly as Violetta in her main‐stage OperaDelaware debut. Sung in Italian with English Supertitles
Bring your students to a complete main‐stage performance of Verdi’s beloved masterpiece with full orchestra and chorus, led by nationally known artists, and complemented by top quality production elements!
Grades 6‐12, best suited for students ages 12 and older though we
leave it to your discretion. Also available are discussion questions/study
materials for your use in the classroom.
The Grand
818 North Market Street
Friday, November 5th ‐ 2010
7:30 pm – 10:15 pm
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The Merry Widow
By Franz Lehar
Hanna Glawari is one seriously wealthy widow and the entire embassy of her small, struggling country wants to keep her money within its borders. At a ball celebrating the Grand Duke’s birthday, they introduce her to a countryman they hope will be her future husband... But is that what she has in mind? Of course not – and that is where the fun begins! Sung in English with Easy‐to‐Read Supertitles
Bring your students to a complete main‐stage performance of Lehar’s beloved masterpiece with full orchestra and chorus, led by nationally known artists, and complemented by top quality production elements.
Suggested grades 6‐12, best suited for students ages 12 and older though we
leave it to your discretion. Also available are discussion questions/study
materials for use in the classroom.
The Grand
818 North Market Street
Friday, April 29th ‐ 2011
7:30 pm – 10:15 pm
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Sponsored, in part, by a grant from the
Delaware Division of the Arts, a state agency
dedicated to nurturing and supporting the arts in
Delaware, in partnership with the National
Endowment for the Arts.
Learn More about Opera and Humanities
FREE lecture one hour before the production sponsored, in part, by the Delaware Humanities Forum. These lectures help students make connections with their curriculum, their communities and more importantly themselves. These stimulating discussions help your students connect to the opera in personal ways and show them how opera has become a part of our identities, our traditions, our history and our cultures.
For more information:
302‐658‐8063 ext. 3261