Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Classical Conversations ~ Informational Meeting!

February 15th
10 am

Barnes and Noble
Concord Mall, Route 202
Wilmington, DE

Learn more about the classical education method and get an overview of the Classical Conversations program. Be encouraged to know there are other parents out there, like you, wanting their children to have the benefit of a classical education.

Classical homeschooling in a Christian environment.
A local community of like minded families who get together with their students to study Christian, college-prep academics in a classical environment.

Grades K4-12th grade.

The Grammar school studies memory work in several subjects including history and Latin, skip counting, related cartography/geography, the arts, public speaking, science experiments and much more. The High School studies a rigorous range of academics including geometry, calculus, physics, history, theology, composition and more. All under the careful eye of a trained, paid tutor, while involved students also participate in mock trial, protocol, field trips, Socratic circles and other related events!

Registration for the 2011-2012 school year is now open.
Enrollment is limited, so please contact asap if you are interested.

For more information:



