Saturday, May 19, 2007

City Gates Academy

Citigates is currently accepting enrollment for the 2007-2008 school year. Please review the classes that are posted on the on-line catalog. There is a registration sheet that can be printed.
For further information you can go their website:

City Gates offers classes for home schoolers and is located in North Wilmington behind the Brandywine Y.

Weekly & bi-weekly classes in a variety of subjects for home educated students on Tuesdays and Fridays from September through June offering challenging academic experiences, outside accountability and evaluation, deadlines, group interaction, and qualified instructors who encourage a love of learning. Classes are taught with a Christian worldview however, gamilies of all beliefs are welcome.

City Gates Academy offers classes for home schooling students from 4th -9th grades. Most classes are offered once a week on either Tuesday or Friday. Math and English classes are offered as two day classes and must be attended both on Tuesday and Friday. English classes focus on literature, grammar, composition, and vocabulary building. Math classes use ABeka math texts for 5th-7th, McDougal-Littell texts for pre-Algebra, Algebra, and Algebra II/Trig, and Jacobs for Geometry. History classes include Ancient History; Middle Ages, Renaissance and Reformation; Early American; and Later American for middle schoolers. Government/Geography, World History and American History are offered for high schoolers. Science classes are hands on project-oriented classes. Middle school science classes cover all of the different types of science in varying degrees of difficulty; high school classes include Physical Science, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. Latin and Spanish classes are offered on various levels. Gym and Art classes are also offered.