Sunday, July 1, 2007

Carnival of Homeschooling: A Blog Carnival

Homeschool Happenings! has been invited to participate in a blog carnival entitled "Carnival of Homeschooling."

What is a blog Carnival?

A blog carnival exhibits a variety blog posts on a related topic. This offers a unique opportunity for readers to check out a number of blogs in an area of interest without doing an exhausting search and without wasting time slogging around a lot of blogs or blog posts which might not be of interest to the reader. The host blog gives a little capsulized introduction to each post along with the links.

Blog carnivals are hosted by the various participating blogs, so the blog host site travels around to different blog sites much like a carnival. These hosts can get pretty creative about how they offer up this information.

"The Independence Edition" is hosted by The Homeschool Café

Be sure to check it out!

You can look up all the previous Homeschool Blog Carnivals and also take a peek at what is upcoming:
Carnival of Homeschooling archive
Upcoming homeschooling blog carnivals