Monday, October 1, 2007

My family loves this site!

BrainPOP is an educational program providing content spanning 7 main subjects, including: Science, Math, English, Social Studies, Health, Arts and Music, and Technology.

We have watched these movies over and over. The kids take the quizzes offered after each movie. They have subscription packages for families as well as homeschoolers. They offer teacher support and are working on offering lesson plans in the future. You try out BrainPop for days for free, thereafter you need to purchase a subscription.

The only way to really understand what BrainPop is all about is to log on and try it for yourself!

*Just a quick note about Homeschool Happenings! and clicking on the links I provide:
I opt not to receive payment or rewards of any kind for the links that I provide on Homeschool Happenings. For example; I could subscribe as a publisher and receive a commission every time someone clicks through my site and then joins BrainPop. I don't do this because I want my readers to trust the information I recommend and share. I am not doing this for profit but rather to build a better homeschooling community for all our kids...