Saturday, October 6, 2007

Ashland Nature Center: Three Fall Programs Remain!

Don't Miss Out:
Three Fall Home School Workshops Remain!

The cost for each program is $7 per student.

Colonial Farm
Date: October 19th
Time: 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm
Led by: DNS Staff
Discover farm life as a child in colonial Delaware. Turn cream to butter after learning how cows turn grass to milk. Prepare corn from field to flour and explore the old fashioned refrigerator made of stone! Program meets at the Coverdale Farm.

Stream Ecology
Date: November 2nd
Time: 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm
Led by: DNS Staff
Determine a stream’s health by examining its biological, chemical, and physical attributes. Catch and classify stream macro-invertebrates, and use test kits to record pH and dissolved oxygen. Discuss how humans and wildlife impact stream health and identify four basic types of stream pollution. Program meets at the Ashland Nature Center.

The Lenni Lenape
Date: November 16th
Time: 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm
Led by: DNS Staff
Explore the culture and customs of the early inhabitants of Delaware. Take an interpretive walk to discover pre-colonial Delaware history. Learn how Native Americans used nature to meet everyday needs and visit a replica wigwam for a hands-on experience with tools, animal furs and hides, clothing and musical instruments. Program meets at the Ashland Nature Center.

Good News!

If you called before and were disappointed because these programs were full, now is the time to call again! David has brought in a third teacher to meet the demand for these popular programs!

A third teacher means that those older students - 12 and up - will continue to be broken off into their own subgroup. These students will be challenged with age appropriate content and material within the workshop's theme. My son Teddy, who is turning 13, is enrolled in each of the programs and there have been several other students ages 12-16 attending participating along with him. I have been so pleased to see this hard to fit age group getting the attention they deserve!

Ashland Nature Center is located in Hockessin, DE. Their web site:

Programs are designed to meet state and national standards and are appropriate for students of all ages. If you are a homeshool parent or organizer and are interested in programs for older students or topics that are not covered in our fall offerings, please contact David Pragoff, School Program Coordinator at 302-239-2334, ext.133 or to request a copy of our School Program Brochure.

Advance registration for all programs is required.